Watch 'Cooking With
PEI Potatoes'

with Heather Moyse

R.A. Rose & Sons profiled on Episode 3 Food Country with
Chef Michael Smith

PEI Flavours


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Potato and Chicken Lasagna

Have a wheat-free member in your family? Substitute PEI Potatoes for pasta, and everyone can enjoy this Italian favourite.


1 lb ground chicken 450 g
6 large potatoes (thinly sliced) 6
1/4 cup butter 62.5 ml
1/2 cup diced onion 125 ml
4 cloves garlic (chopped) 4
4 large tomatoes (thinly sliced) 4
2 zucchinis (thinly sliced) 2
to taste Fresh herbs: thyme, oregano,parsley (chopped) to taste
10.5 oz goat cheese 300 g

Heat heavy bottomed pan on high and lightly coat bottom with cooking oil. Sauté ground chicken with diced onion and 2 cloves of chopped garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside. Melt ¼ cup of butter with remaining garlic. Toss the thinly sliced potatoes, melted butter and garlic together to evenly coat the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. In an oven safe baking dish begin to alternately layer the potato, tomato, zucchini, chicken and herbs. Bake covered at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes until all layers are easily pierced with a paring knife. Uncover and top with goat cheese (or favorite cheese) and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes.

Recipe from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, prepared by Chef Gordon Bailey, chef and owner of Lot 30 in Charlottetown, PEI