Watch 'Cooking With
PEI Potatoes'

with Heather Moyse

R.A. Rose & Sons profiled on Episode 3 Food Country with
Chef Michael Smith

PEI Flavours

Types of Potatoes

Russet Varieties

The Russet is probably the most popular potato with consumers. These potatoes are high in starch and are recognized by their netted brown skin and white flesh. When cooked, they become light and fluffy.
Ideal for: Boiling, Baking, Mashing, Roasting, Frying, Microwave cooking

Round White

Round White potatoes are another popular variety with consumers. Containing a medium level of starch, the skin of the Round White is smooth and light-coloured, and its flesh is white. These versatile potatoes have a creamy texture and preserve their shape well after cooking, making them suitable for most potato preparations.
Ideal for: Baking, Boiling, Mashing, Roasting, Frying, Microwave cooking

Dark Reds Norlands

Red potatoes have smooth red skin and white flesh. They are firm, smooth and moist in texture. Ideal for salads, this variety is best prepared without removing the skin. This adds the perfect splash of colour to meals, and gives you its full nutritional benefits.
Ideal for: Baking, Boiling, Mashing, Roasting


Yellow-fleshed potatoes feature golden coloured skin and a dense, creamy texture. The flesh of this potato is also golden-tinged, appearing almost as though it has been buttered. This is another variety that is very versatile for cooking preparations.
Ideal for: Baking, Boiling, Mashing, Roasting, Frying, Microwave cooking